Monday, April 8, 2019
Orruption in Primary Education in Bangladesh Essay Example for Free
Orruption in prime upbringing in Bangladesh experimentIntroduction The adult literacy rate is 51 portion The average add together of teacher per primary condition is only 4 Average tote up of educatees per primary school is 273 The primary teacher-student ratio is 671 seminal fluid Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2 Development in original reproduction Adoption of an education policy in 2000 Five-year cycle to an eight-year cycle by 2010 loosen and compulsory primary education for both(a) children Free education for girls up to grade eight Free books for all children at primary take3 Development in Primary Education A f ar-for-education course of instruction Primary Education salary plan (PESP) Creation of a separate Primary and Mass Education Division (PMED) A proliferation of non- compriseal education programme by NGOs, and 4 Achievements in Primary Education Net enrolment rate has reached 80 part Over 70 percent of the students now complete the five-year prima ry cycle 60 percent ar present in school on an average day Source Campaign for fashionable Education The University Press Ltd. 5State of decadence, Mismanagement and Irregularities in Primary Education All these programmes atomic number 18 infested with perennial flaws and irregularities. TIB Household corruptness play along identified the education sector as fifth corrupt sectors (2002) TIB depravation infobase identified the education sector as the third most corrupt sectors (2004) TIB and Committees of implicated Citizens (CCCs) conducted a trace Card brush up in the primary education to identify the gaps and flaws in our basic education level as well as to locate and dispose of corruption.6 Committees of Concerned Citizens (CCCs) TIB developed six Committees of Concerned Citizens (CCCs) Mymensingh Kishoregonj Nalitalari Madhupur Muktagacha, Jamalpur The main objective of the formation of the CCCs is to create local groups which would serve as local lobbyists seek ing to correspond corruption, instigate reform and promote integrity in the public service delivery system.7 Sources of Data decadence in Primary Education A Report Card Survey, TIB (2001) Report card passel is a simple approach for organizing public feed back Report Cards are knowing to assess the nature, types, extent and implications of corruption, and at the same time facilitate stakeholders participatory movement for improving the timbre of service in the sector. 8Name of surface areas and number of different respondents for the Report Card Survey (2001) Respondents Area Mymensingh Muktagachha Jamalpur Kishoregonj Nalitabari Madhupur Gouripur Sharishabar Total Headmaster 23 25 20 21 19 20 21 22 171 Student 115 124 one hundred twenty 120 120 120 113 134 966 Guardian 115 124 120 120 120 120 113 134 966 Total 253 273 260 261 259 260 247 290 2103 9 Sources of DataCorruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey, TIB (2002) schooling from 3030 Households Corruption Database TIB ( 2004) selective information from 26 Dailies Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey, TIB (2005) Information from 3000 Households Quality with justice The Primary Education Agenda, Campaign for Popular Education Bangladesh (2005) 8212 Respondents 10 Corruption in admission in primary education TIB Report card Survey (2001) shows that 6. 52% of the primary students paid Tk 63/- on average as admission fees .TIB Household Corruption Survey (2005) showed that 40% primary students had to pass on 209 taka as admission fees 11 Irregular subscription/fees TIB Report Card Survey (2001) revealed that each student of primary schools had to pay 47 taka on average subscription for at least golf club purposes which is iniquitous TIB Household Corruption Survey (2005) revealed that each student of primary schools had to pay 58 taka on average subscription for at least nine purposes which is guilty 12 Percentage of students who paid illegal fees century 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.Sp or ts Bo ok s rit ua ls m ot io n ex am ex ta in m lE po se s th er pu r am . xa en t En te r Pr om 2n d Re lig io us m 1s tT er Te Fi na rm 2001 2005 Source Corruption in Primary Education A Report Card Survey (2001) Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2005) O 13 Amount of average illegal fess 2001 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 m ion ok s . ex am or ts t en ls r it ua us io O th er inm lE Bo ex Sp os es pu rp am xa ot om Pr te En 2005 er m Fi na tT Te rm rta 1s d 2n Source Corruption in Primary Education A Report Card Survey (2001) Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2005).Re l ig 14 Corruption in Food for Education Program 16 % of the cases the criterion was not observed 15. 5% of the students paid on an average Taka 32 to be included in the programme Subscription was collected by teachers, Dealers and from Others On average all student received 2. 47 Kgs food grain less every time Missing 1241 tons of food grain in 8 Upazillas equivalent to 12 million taka (1USD=52 taka) Source Corruption in Primary EducationA Report Card Survey (2001) 15 Primary Education Stipend Programme (PESP).Started from July 2002 substituting the former Food for Education Programme (FFE). Aim of attracting and livinging more children, particularly of the poor Forty percent of the students in rural area are eligible to receive Tk 100 salary per month Identification of 40 percent of pupil enrolled in grades 1-5 from the poorest households by School heed Committee (SMC) To remain eligible for the monthly earnings, a student has to attain minimum 40 percent marks in term examinations and have 85 percent monthly class attendance. 16 Corruption in Primary Education Stipend Programme (PESP).Over two-thirds of the children from the poorest category were not selected to be recipients of stipend 27 percent of children from affluent households received the stipend 32. 4% primary school students who have been enrolled for stipend had to pay 40 taka for their enrolment 46 perc ent of the stipend holders did not receive the full measuring stick of stipend Source Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2005) Source Campaign for Popular Education The University Press Ltd. 17 Corruption in Upazilla Primary Education Offices34% of the responding headmasters said that bribes are occasionally required to be paid 13% said that they have to do so every time. Source Corruption in Primary EducationA Report Card Survey (2001) 18 Consequences of corruption Concerned officials of primary education collected 19. 85 million taka (1USD=52 taka) as illegal subscription from 8 areas (out of 500 areas). Concerned primary education officials collected 546 million taka (1USD=60 taka) as illegal fees from all over Bangladesh Concerned PESP officials collected 25 million taka from primary students to enroll them in the PESP from all over Bangladesh .Source Corruption in Primary Education A Report Card Survey (2001) Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2005) 19 Per petrators of Corruption 1. Teachers 2. Food dealers 3. Management direction of institutions 4. Employees of institutions Source Corruption in Primary Education A Report Card Survey (2001) Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2005) 20 Causes of corruption 1. Absence of accountability 2. Discretionary magnate 3. Lack of transparency 4. Monopoly power 5. Influence of powerful people Source Corruption in Bangladesh A Household Survey (2002) 21 The objectives of CCCs advocacy activities on Primary Education.Ensuring quality education in all classrooms implying that there shall remain no room for pursuing any kind of ill motives for personal deliver the goods of any concerned party Promoting collection of reasonable and standard fees in all primary schools Ensuring that schools keep proper record of official fund collection and expenditure Promoting the effectiveness of School Management Committees (SMC) and the Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) to deform as watchdog bodies fo r the betterment of local-level education Suggesting strategies for meaningfully reducing the rate of dropouts. 22.TIB initiatives to curb corruption from Primary education Success of CCCs The advocacy undertaken by CCCs for achieving the above objectives are at three level Firstly, the CCCs are working to increase mass people through mobile theatres, mothers gathering and parents-teachers gathering etc. Secondly, the CCCs are trying to build coalition with School Management Committee (SMC), Upazilla Education Committee, and with the Civil Society. Finally, the CCCs are working with the concerned officials including Upazilla Education Offices, District Education Offices, Upazilla and District administrations etc.23 TIB initiatives to curb corruption from Primary education Success of CCCs Most of the upazilla primary education offices have taken initiatives for curbing corruption in their offices. As a result, corruption has somewhat reduced in the offices of the upazilla primary ed ucation offices. A number of teachers informed the CCCs that they are not giving bribes in the education office for their services. Because of CCC advocacy, a number of education offices decided on a fixed amount of fees for various purposes. The teachers are no eight-day collecting illegal fees from the students.24 TIB initiatives to curb corruption from Primary education Success of CCCs The CCCs have been invited by the Upazilla Education offices to participate in preparing yearly plan. The concerned education officials have requested the CCCs to help them to form the School Management Committee (SMC) The CCCs obtained formal consent to work with two Primary Schools for turning them into Islands of rightfulness in each area Many facets of the local education system appeared to have acted on the CCC-designed recommendations.25 TIB initiatives to curb corruption from Primary education Success of CCCs TIBs suggestions, voiced via CCCs, were taken seriously and changes to record-kee ping systems were do as per CCC recommendations the CCCs had 15 specific reform-oriented recommendations CCCs have been successful in persuading school authorities to distinctly specify the school tuition fees, the rate of stipends, and supplying books on time, at no extra approach to guardians.It was made clear that the CCCs would continue to act as watchdogs for ensuring transparency and accountability 26 Further Information Md. Sydur Rahman Molla Senior Programme Officer Research Department Transparency International Bangladesh Progress Tower (5th Floor), H 01, R 23, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212 PH 880 2 9884811, 8826036, Fax 880 2 9884811 Email emailprotected org Web www. ti-bangladesh. org 27 convey 28.
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